Use of ketoprofen by systemic and local routes in orchidectomy with elastrator in lambs
(lambs), (elastrator), (ketoprofen), (analgesia)Abstract
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used in veterinary medicine for small animals because of their therapeutic effects, and these results cannot be extrapolated to the clinic of large animals because of the difference between these species. The objective of this study was to evaluate how these anti-inflammatory may influence in the orchidectomy with elastomers in lambs. Twenty-six male lambs were randomly divided into four groups: A control without castration; B castration without the use of ketoprofen; C castration with local administration of ketoprofen; D castration with intramuscular administration of ketoprofen. Ketoprofen was used at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Rectal temperature, behavioral attitudes correlated with pain, weight and reactions to the scrotal palpation were recorded in order to evaluate if there were significant differences with the use of ketoprofen. The results obtained showed greater painful attitudes in groups B and D than A and C, greater weight gain in groups A and C compared to D and B, and the decreasing order of painful reactions to scrotal palpation was B, D, C, A. The use of ketoprofen in orchidectomy with an elastomer would benefit animal welfare as it decreases pain and improves weight gain in lambs.